Let's start with CNN headquarters. They've taken over this building across the street from the Pepsi Center. Awesome, huh?

Here's the media room in the Pepsi Center. They've taken over the gift shop and transformed it into the tech wonder you see below.

Here's the main floor. You'll probably be seeing quite a bit of it if you watch the proceedings. Illinois and Colorado get the best seats in the house, of course.

Pictured below you see one of the massive bundles of wires that run all through the Center. Zach and I were amazed at the amount of planning that must have been required to wire the whole center.

This is the front of the Pepsi Center all decked out for the convention.

Some graffiti from the sidewalks around the Pepsi Center. They were totally covered with similar markings. There are tons of protesters coming in for next week. They run the gamut of every possible thing you can protest. I'm trying to start a group that protests Zach. So far there aren't many members...

Here's FOX news' headquarters down the street from the center.

Here's one of the temporary buildings that has been set up around town.

Finally, here's one of the bike stations that you can find all around Denver. You can borrow a bike here, ride it around as needed, and drop it off at any other station. It's supposed to help with the traffic around town during the convention. We get to keep a certain amount of the bikes and stations after teh convention is over.

Well, there you go. The DNC is about to descend and I'll update you as we find out more.
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